Saturday, November 14, 2020

Rise of COVID-19 cases

 I know recently here in Southern Nevada we have seen a major rise in COVID-19 cases. The positivity rate is over 14% and the number of positive tests has soared to over 1300 per day. There are a few factors that is affecting these numbers. The first factor is tourists. After talking to the State Surgeon (she is the one tracking the Nevada Army National Guard soldiers who test positive), she stated that many people who have tested positive from out of state are tracked on our numbers. Secondly, it's flu season and many people are beginning to show flu like and cold like symptoms.

Based off the information I get daily from our unit Commander (he is on the state COVID task force), a shutdown looks inevitable. I'm very worried for our local economy and the health of all Clark Count residents. Everyone please heed the warnings and try to stay safe. Our Governor, Steve Sisolak, has just tested positive and December looks like it will not provide any sort of relief. During this holiday season, enjoy your time with family but also stay safe and take the necessary precautions. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable week.


  1. Yikes, I heard last night that our Governor tested positive:

    I hope our positivity rate improves so we can open back up in December.

  2. I certainly hope that we don't have another shutdown. I really just want everyone to be safe and for everyone to do their due diligence in keeping themselves and others safe. People's livelihoods and jobs are at stake with another shutdown, and people's lives are at stake with this insane virus. Everyone, please do your part and stay safe and keep others safe so we can avoid another shutdown.

  3. Like Adrian, I really hope that we do not have another shut down. I do not want to stand in ridiculous lines just to do basic grocery shopping again.

  4. I really hope that we don't have another shut down. I just hope that people due what they have to do to ensure that everyone stay healthy and safe. Wear a mask, socially distance, and wash your hands. Only go out for essentials and possibly for work if you cannot work from home.

  5. Thank you for the warning, COVID has made a major impact on our lives and honestly I hope there is a solution soon.

  6. I agree that a shutdown will have a huge negative impact on the local economy. Hopefully more people start following the proper safety guidelines.

  7. I agree with you that we can not afford to shut down the businesses any longer, but on the other hand we also need to worry about our health too.

  8. Its almost a month after this was posted and still no second lockdown has been imposed. I went through covid already and yet I'm still so scared of it. But also I just really want things to go back to normal. This isolation thing has really made me feel alone.
