Monday, October 12, 2020

Working with Peers

 Currently my job is requiring me to work with direct peers, not any supervisors or subordinates. I've always found it most enjoyable to work on a project or assignment with my peers. If your open minded, you can learn a lot more from your peers then from your supervisors. This experience has shown me that working and collaborating with peers opens new perspectives in your work life and daily life. Insights into another perspective from an equal seems to have the largest impact. 

The same concept is present in post secondary education. Collaborating with peers even on a simple project not only helps you learn and teaches you more about that subject, but it's fun and enjoyable. Working with a supervisor on a project together can have unwanted emotions, such as anxiety or stress. This derives from our roles in that environment; unlike with peers, your free to open up new ideas and ways of thinking. Leaders or supervisors don't necessarily take the same input you have to offer and connecting with subordinates on the same level can seem impossible. Again, this is due to the roles you have established and what is acceptable in that role. I can see how in a professional research environment, this can create a welcoming environment and spark new concepts that could have major impacts on future generations. 


  1. Each relationship come with expected roles and boundaries but if one can exchange ideas while navigating those roles and boundaries, things will get done :-)

  2. Irish playwright and political activist, George Bernard Shaw, once stated, "Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." The ability to understand and willingly learn from others is so important in communication, building relationships, and growing as a person.

  3. It is more relaxing and laid back to work with your peers versus supervisors. I feel fortunate that at my current job I get along quite well with one of my supervisors, and am comfortable with sharing my ideas with her.

  4. I love working with my peers on projects. I think it's great to get everyone together and have different perspectives on how to get stuff done. My new job is remote so I don't really have that connection with my new coworkers and it's been a hard adjustment for me. I miss being face to face with people.

  5. I have found it more enjoyable working with my peers than supervisors. I tend to hide if I am micromanaged.

  6. Working with peers allows a person to become more creative in completing a task. The roles of society provide a different outlook in achieving a common goal.

  7. I tend to be more stressed and feel like I need to be perfect when working with a subordinate. I definitely need to work on being more relaxed.

  8. I think working with superiors can sometimes push you to get on their level but its definitely more draining and anxiety inducing.
