Sunday, October 18, 2020

Power Napping

 These last two weeks have been extremely hectic. My workload has increased while College has begun to speed up as well. Let me give you a run down of typical day for me.

0600- Physical training (group training)

0730-Change, shower, eat, and drive over to work

0845-Begin work

1130-Break for lunch, which include either additional physical training, catching up on school work, napping, or running basic errands because everything is closed when I'm finished with work.

1300-Begin afternoon work

1700-Close out the day with a After Action Review (it's a report that reviews the things we did that day and how to improve them or what to keep) and clean up.

1730-Leave Work

1800-Arrive home, shower, make and eat dinner and prepare uniforms for the next.

1900-Leave to attend a study session to help out fellow classmates

1930-Arrive at study session

2200-Arive back home from study session and close out College homework for that day

0000(Midnight)-Go to sleep

0445-Wake up to get ready and drive to physical training.

So throughout my lunch break and in the evening, I've learned to incorporate power naps. These are about 20 minutes each and I try to take at least two per day. Power naps refresh my mind and help me focus on the task at hand, such as school homework or work homework. If you feel like your in need of more time, power napping might be for you.


  1. Power naps sound like a necessity to supplement your 4.75 hours of sleep each night. At least you have regularity and job security with the military :-)

  2. Sounds like a busy and exhausting day. Thank you for serving our country! I love power naps, sometimes they'll be 15-20 minutes, sometimes they'll turn into 2-hour "naps". :-)

  3. I don't think I could handle a schedule like yours. My sleep is interrupted throughout the night because of my little one, but I still average 6-8 hours each night. I think I would be a zombie if I had less than 5 hours of sleep each day. Thank you for your service to our country!

  4. You are a very busy guy. I am also a fan of the power nap and I totally agree that it can help refresh you to push through what you need to get done.

  5. I don't think i could handle that schedule either, I need my 8 hours sleep to function, that's great you can do so much in a day.

  6. You are truly occupied! A power nap is a must with your schedule. I do agree power naps are rejuvenating.

  7. You are an extremely busy person, I see why power naps are important. I just hope power naps won't be a part of my daily routine any time soon.

  8. I love naps but keeping them under an hour has always been a struggle for me.
