Friday, October 2, 2020

Vacation Hangover

A "vacation hangover" is when you finish a vacation and home feels unusual, while also taking a few days to readjust to your regular lifestyles and habits. So this is something that I've always been curious about since I love going on vacations. It seems easy to adjust when I'm headed to my vacation destination, but very difficult to return to normalcy. What's the most puzzling is that it could be due to many different reasons but I see this happening more often with close friends who also return from vacation. Right now I'm trying to poll data and ideas as to why this happens. I go on vacation at least 3-4 times per year and I run into this issue every time I return home. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Have a good rest of the week and good luck on your MOS Word Certification exams.


  1. I think vacations often involve a change in location and/or weather, established routines and habits, and sometimes mindset (e.g. interacting with people you don't interact with on a regular basis, strangers). This can be uncomfortable or taxing for some people even for a short amount of time. Once they adapt to this change, after they return home, the home life may seem foreign and require adjustment.

  2. Thank you for educating me on the concept of a "vacation hangover." Although I don't believe I've ever had a "vacation hangover," I will say that upon my return to home, I certainly do miss the vacation and wish that it could have lasted longer. Great job on prioritizing at least 3-4 vacations per year. I was supposed to travel to Spain and Peru this year for vacation, but those plans got cancelled, unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  3. My worst "vacation hangover" was when I spent 2 1/2 months visiting my brother in Japan. When I came back stateside, I felt like I was in a foreign country hearing English all around me instead of Japanese. I love going on vacations too, and I am hoping we will be able to travel abroad again next year.

  4. I don't think I have ever suffered from a vacation hangover. I think it might have something to do with my personality. I just think my mind shifts focus and it's like ok now it's time to get back to work and normal life.

  5. Vacation hangover is a new term to me. A few years ago I had a home in the SF Bay Area and Las Vegas, so my family and I would always go back and forth, until my daughter started school. Before my daughter started school we would do a lot traveling and I have never experienced a vacation hangover, it was my normal lifestyle.

  6. I don't think I've experienced a vacation hangover before. For me its more about missing the people and the vacation. Then again, I haven't traveled to far from home.

  7. I always have a vacation hangover after I come back from visiting my family in Thailand, it will take me a week to adjust myself back to normal.

  8. I've always had to go through that when on vacation. When I come back from home, I instantly get sad because of the fact I have to readjust to my daily taxing lifestyle again. Usually around the third day is when I'm back to normal.

  9. 2016 from 2018 I did a crazy amount of traveling going from never flying on a plane to going on over 15 fights in that time. Every single time I would fly over the mountains and start descending into Vegas I would be overwhelmingly sad, and it would take me days to get over it.
