Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Holiday Season

 First, I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays! I understand the holidays can be a tough time under any circumstances, but this year the degree seems worse due to COVID-19. I wanted to give people some resources where they can get help during the holidays, whether it's food or even toys for their children. Every year I donate my time and help arrange and unload toys that will be used for children's gifts. This is actually done through a military program at my office. During the holidays, no one should go hungry and without some form of celebrations. We all have a lot to be grateful for, whether you notice it or not. This year try to focus on all of the things you're grateful for and what you still have. Even though the last few months have felt like a disaster, there's still a lot I'm grateful for. I hope everyone has a great holiday season and has a blast.

Listed below, is a link to website that has a list of helpful organizations that can provide services you may be in need of this holiday season.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Final Push

 There's not anything in particular I wanted to share this week, so I thought I would talk about the end of the semester. Since I started college back in 2011 (yes I should have graduated by now), the last two weeks of the semester are always the most stressful. At times, it can seem like the worst things are happening in your work and personal life and it compounds the pressure of the semester timeline. After commenting on everyone's post last night I noticed a majority of the students were feeling overwhelmed, myself included. I thought it would nice to offer some positive support and advice to hopefully cheer everyone up for the upcoming holidays.


1. Don't stress over things you can't control. If you miss a deadline or incur an expensive home repair cost, find the most logical way to address the issue and move forward. No sense in crying over spilt milk.

2. When you have too many things to do, focus on one thing at a time. Those chores or dishes will still be later in the day so no need to worry about them until it's time to clean them. When I have a lot of things to do in a day, I just devote all my attention to that one task then move on to the next. It can make things significantly less daunting.

3. Take time out of the day for yourself. Balance is important in order to maintain your mental health. When you get frustrated with a class project or paper, go for a short walk, watch a short funny, or even just play with the dogs. Healthy outlets of stress help keep your mind fresh and can increase your overall happiness.

These are just a few basic tips that seem helpful to during then end of the college semesters. Thank you all for listening and I know everyone will do well in all of their classes this semester. Good luck everyone!